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 “Know and believe in yourself.  Create your own life and expectations. Never be afraid to fail, be afraid of not trying and above all, work very hard, it always pays off.” Dora Rivas, Class of 1972  
Loyal sons and daughters, St Bernard High to you!" was something we nonchalantly and jokingly sang throughout my years at St Bernards'. As I reflect back today, I realize more and more all the brothers and sisters I have because of our school to which I am indebted to for life... as one should of their kin. If I were to be in the gym today and sing our song, I would most definitely sing it as loud and as proud as my soul would allow. Shawn Papazian, Class of 1991
"One of the quotes that I live by is that "there's no such thing as luck. Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. St. Bernard did a wonderful job of preparing me for the amazing opportunities I've had in my life." Olympia Scott, Class of 1994
"St. Bernard without a doubt provided me the sound academic foundation I needed to graduate from Stanford University and with my MBA from Wharton. The opportunities to get involved in extracurricular activities also gave me lessons about teamwork, commitment and leadership that I continue to draw upon to this very day." Marla Bleavins, Class of 1994
Stanford Alum, Class of 1998
Wharton MBA, Class of 2012
St. Bernard Board Member
Assistant General Manager, LA Convention Center
“While at St. Bernard, I blossomed into a confident young woman because the teachers pushed and challenged me to always give 100% in everything I did. I was involved in as much as possible including ASB President, sports, dance, clubs, student government, etc... and I still maintained a 4.0 (sometimes higher!). My involvement in so many activities prepared me for life, made me more responsible, and taught me to better manage my time”. Bria Biggs, Class of 2005